Are you experiencing a delay in ordering products because you are on a credit hold?
We understand how this can cause delays in the ordering process because it limits your ability to create a new purchase order.
What does this mean?
A few things you should check are:
1. Did you pay your deposit ? (new partners)
2. Do you have past due invoices you may have missed?
3. Is your monthly subscription up to date?
Please reach out to customer support and we will work with you to find out why you are on a credit hold and direct you in the right direction.
How we are reaching out to collect?
We will begin to reach out to our partners with a friendly email reminder, after the first 7 days. After 10 days, you will receive a follow up email, and after that we will start calling you. If this becomes a recurring issue, we will require you to set up deposits in increments of $1,000 for future orders.
Once you are up to date on your subscription payments and your invoice payments, we will lift the credit hold from your account.
Why am I on credit hold?
Written by Caren Bituin
Updated over 2 years ago